Ostocal Plus

Ostocal Plus

A French formula of phosphorous, calcium, and vitamin D essential for strengthening bones, teeth, and joints.
Indication of use:

  • Health growth of bones and teeth.
  • Supplements for Pregnant and lactating dogs and cats.
  • Prevent Osteoporosis.
  • Treatment of calcium and phosphorous deficiency.
  • Increase fertility in dogs and cats.

Package:250 ml

Ostocal Plus

A French formula of phosphorous, calcium, and vitamin D essential for strengthening bones, teeth, and joints.
Indication of use:

  • Health growth of bones and teeth.
  • Supplements for Pregnant and lactating dogs and cats.
  • Prevent Osteoporosis.
  • Treatment of calcium and phosphorous deficiency.
  • Increase fertility in dogs and cats.

Dogs for maintance: 0.5ml/10kg per day.
Dogs for growth, late gestation, and lactation: 1ml/10kg per day.
Cats for maintenance: 0.25ml/ 2kg perday.
Cats for growth, late gestation, and lactation: 0.5ml/2kg per day.

Package:250 ml

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