Nutra Fix
– Citrate based buffer for “tying up”
Key Features:
- Citrate Based Buffer
- Antioxidants
- Sodium citrate
- Citric Acid
Symptoms of ‘tying up’ include:
- Short strides and general discomfort
- Reluctance or refusal to move
- Severe contraction or spasm of the large muscles in the horse’s hindquarters or back
- Sweating and anxiety
- Increased respiration, pulse rate, and anxiety
- In severe cases, the muscle protein myoglobin leaks into the bloodstream, staining the urine brown or red
Feeding instruction:
Nutra-Fix should be added to the normal feed.
- Horses in training: 90ml per day in the evening feed
- After competition or hard work: Feed 120ml
- Camels in training: 90ml per day in the evening feed
- After competition or hard work: Feed 120ml
A pump is supplied which dispenses 30ml
Note: Fresh drinking water should always be available
Package: 1 Liter
Terms and condition – Details
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