
IMIDOX for the prevention, immunization and treatment of blood parasites for cattle, horses and sheep.


IMIDOX, Imidocarb dipropionate for the prevention immunization and treatment of blood parasites

Mode of administration: intramuscular injection.

Intramuscular injection is recommended for:

  • cattle,
  • horses,
  • and sheep

A syringe calibrated in divisions of 0.1mL  used.

The recommended dose rate must not be exceeded.



Cattle: 2.5mL per 100kg bodyweight.

Horses, Donkeys, Mules: 2.0mL per 100kg bodyweight.

Imidox Injection provides protection against babesiosis for up to 4-6 weeks depending on the species of Babesia involved and the severity of the challenge.


Cattle: 2.0mL per 100kg bodyweight.

Horses: B.caballi: 2 doses of 2.0mL per 100kg bodyweight 24 hours apart; B.equi: 4 doses of 4.0mL per 100kg bodyweight at 72 hour intervals.

Donkeys, Mules: B. caballi: 2 doses of 2.0mL per 100kg bodyweight 24 hours apart; B. equi: not recommended.


Cattle: 1.0mL per 100kg bodyweight.

Sheep: 1.0mL per 100kg (0.1mL per 10kg) bodyweight.

Do not exceed the recommended dose rate.

Horses, Donkeys, Mules: 2.0mL per 100kg bodyweight.

2 doses administered 48 hours apart may be required for the treatment of infection with B. equi.


Cattle: Treatment, prevention: 2.5mL per 100kg bodyweight.

Package:100 ml

Brand: Ceva

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